I have a cyst in my fist. What can it be and what should I do?

Expert answer:

It is likely that a cyst in the wrist is a synovial cyst. It is a bag-like lump, filled with fluid from the joint or from any tendon (synovial fluid). Synovial cyst may arise in any joint, but is more common in the wrist and hand.

Although it is a benign tumor (it is not and can not turn cancer) synovial cyst can grow considerably and cause pain, joint deformity and interfere with wrist movements. Treatment is by puncture or surgical removal of the cyst.

The cyst in the wrist arises when synovial fluid extravasation of the joint or tendons. To try to contain this extravasation, the body creates a capsule, giving rise to the cyst.

It is not yet clear why synovial cysts in the wrist are formed. It is believed that they can be caused by traumas which generate ruptures in the capsule surrounding the joint, repetitive movements or a seal defect of the joint capsule.

Treatment for the cyst in the wrist is usually done through surgery or puncture of the cyst. THE puncture consists of the introduction of a needle into the cyst followed by aspiration of the contents of the cyst by means of a syringe. The procedure is painless and definitely eliminates the cyst in almost half of the cases.

If the cyst causes pain, interferes with wrist movements, or if the cyst grows again after puncture, the surgical treatment Is indicated. The surgery completely removes the cyst and resolves the problem in about 90% of cases.

The diagnosis of synovial cyst may be made by the orthopedic doctor, rheumatologist, general practitioner or family doctor.

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