What is the Matergam vaccine for?

Expert answer:

The injection Materang serves for protect women who are Rh negative and their / their future children.

THE Materang is Human Immunoglobulin used prophylactically to prevent the formation of antibodies against Rh positive erythrocytes in Rh negative people. With this, she prevents the appearance of hemolytic disease of the newborn in later pregnancies.

The injection is given before delivery (between the 28th and 30th week of gestation) or in the first 72 hours after delivery.

It should also be applied after the occurrence of spontaneous or induced abortion, ectopic pregnancy, hydatidiform mole, amniocentesis or abdominal trauma.

To know if you need to take the Matergam injection, you should perform the routine prenatal visits and make the requested exams by the doctor. These tests will tell you your blood type, Rh factor, and the presence of key antibodies to decide whether to take the shot.