Orthorexia: What is it, what are the symptoms and how is the treatment?

Expert answer:

Ortorexia it is a Eating disorder characterized by obsession in eating healthy.

The person with orthorexia has an obsession with eating only very healthy foods. As a consequence, the person is very food labels in search of components of high nutritional value, often not caring so much about the food variety. With this, the person lose weight quickly and ends up having a restricted diet. Another symptom is excessive worry in how the food was prepared and at certain times, the limitation in eating the food not prepared by itself.

O treatment of orthorexia may involve aspects of multiprofessional as a food reorientation with nutritionist, therapeutic support with a psychologist, medical consultation and planning physical activities with a physical educator.

If you identify yourself with the symptoms presented here, seek the nurse practitioner, family doctor or general practitioner for an initial evaluation.