What diet is indicated for those who have hepatic steatosis?

Expert answer:

Some guidelines should be followed by all patients with Hepatic steatosis, as interrupt the consumption of alcohol and lose weight.

The diet should preferably be nutritionist oriented and individualized for each patient, but should generally be rich in fruits, vegetables, polyunsaturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids and whole foods. Some basic guidelines on choosing foods are listed below:

  • the diet should be hypolipid, the amount of lipids being advised of approximately 25% in relation to the total caloric value of the diet;
  • the source of carbohydrates should be whole foods, such as bran, breads, biscuits, legumes, because they have a greater amount of soluble fiber. These are essential in the case of hepatic steatosis, because they bind with the glucose and with lipids present in the bolus aliment, which hinders its absorption;
  • Milk and dairy products should always be skimmed and with the lowest fat content possible. Ricotta and cottage cheeses are the most advised;
  • Sweets and foods with a lot of sugar should be avoided because excess glucose triggers an increase in triglyceride levels in the blood, which aggravates hepatic steatosis;
  • Preference should be given to fruits and other foods with low glycemic index;
  • It is important to manage mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids, have a cardioprotective characteristic and may alter the serum lipid profile. Some foods that contain these fatty acids are: nuts, nuts, olive oil, salmon, tuna and sardines and cereals like flaxseed and quinoa.

The nutritionist, together with the doctor gastroenterologist should guide you on the diet to reverse hepatic steatosis.