What is the treatment for dyslipidemia?

Expert answer:

O treatment for dyslipidemia includes mainly a nutritional therapy and the reorientation of some eating habits:

  • Reduction of intake of fatty foods, mainly animal foods such as red meat, butter, whole milk, yellow cheeses, etc .;
  • Restrict the use of palm oil and coconut oil;
  • Avoid the use of margarine, hydrogenated fat and industrial fats;
  • Avoid fried foods;
  • Avoid products inlaid and preserved like sausage, ham, hamburger, etc .;
  • Give preference to steamed or grilled foods;
  • Increase intake of whole grains, fruits, vegetables and fresh vegetables;
  • Eat nuts, nuts, almonds, etc .;
  • Quit smoking;
  • Control and / or reduce weight depending on the person;
  • Practice regular physical activity.

In some cases, the doctor may choose to add some specific medication to combat dyslipidemia. These medications should only be used with medical indication, in the period oriented and always used with accompaniment in the consultations and with laboratory exams.

Dyslipidemia is a health problem that can be associated with other diseases such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, renal failure, nephrotic syndrome, obesity, alcoholism and use of medications. It needs to be treated in its entirety and considering the profile of each patient.