Who has varicose ulcers can eat fish?

Expert answer:

Yes, those who have varicose ulcers can and should eat fish because it is a food rich in proteins, essential for the healing process, and zinc, which strengthens the immune system, helping to prevent and fight infections.

In addition, fish such as salmon, sardines, tuna, cod, herring and mackerel are excellent sources of Omega 3, which is very beneficial for those who have varicose ulcers.

Among the benefits of omega-3s are anti-inflammatory property, help in preventing thrombosis, strengthening the immune system, raising good cholesterol (HDL), and lowering bad cholesterol (LDL).

People with venous ulcer should have a healthy and balanced diet, rich in proteins (egg white, lean meats, beans, lentils, chickpeas, milk and dairy products), zinc (oysters, shrimp, fish, chicken and beef, nuts, vegetables) and Vitamin C (acerola, raw yellow pepper, cashew, guava, living, kiwi, orange).

You should avoid greasy foods, excess salt, sweets, sweeteners and alcoholic beverages.

The goal of the diet is to stimulate and favor wound healing, maintain good immunity and reduce the risk of infection.

The angiologist can give you some guidelines as to what you can or can not eat. To have a personalized meal plan, specific to your case, consult a nutritionist.

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