Is pituitary adenoma serious? What are the symptoms and how to treat it?

Expert answer:

Pituitary adenoma it is a abnormal growth of cell pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is responsible for the production of several hormones.

In the presence of adenoma, there may be changes production and, consequently, in the hormones. In addition to the increased production of hormones, there may be mass growth which can press nerves in the eye region and cause vision problems. This mass effect can to press also own pituitary cells preventing them from carrying out the usual production of hormones.

O type it's the size of adenoma will determine the presence of symptoms and the specificity of which symptom the person will present. Depending also on the affected hormone, the person may present:

  • Irregularities in the menstrual cycle;
  • Nipple discharge with fluid outflow from the breasts;
  • Difficulty in erection;
  • Headache;
  • Visual changes;
  • Hyperthyroidism: nervousness, tiredness;
  • Gigantism: growth beyond normal in the phase of childhood;
  • Acromegaly: disproportionate growth of some parts of the body such as the hands and feet;
  • Cushing's syndrome: elevation in blood pressure, weight gain, muscle weakness.

O treatment to pituitary adenoma may involve:

  • Surgery for withdrawal of the adenoma;
  • Use of medications which can decrease the size of the adenoma and reduce the amount of hormones produced;
  • Radiotherapy to destroy adenoma cells or after surgery to prevent the reappearance of new cells;
  • Use of hormones to stabilize the presence of the other hormones produced too much by the pituitary gland.

The choice of treatment will be made by the physician who will consider all the specificities of the patient and the adenoma.