Does Stuttering Cure?

Expert answer:

There is still no treatment capable of cure stuttering totally, so that the person stops completely of stuttering without having to have some care with the speech. Treatments can greatly reduce stuttering, but some remnants may persist.

Speaking slower, controlling your breathing, pronouncing words in syllables, or saying longer, elaborate phrases are some of the methods used to minimize stuttering.

Techniques are also employed to help control anxiety that many stutters feel in certain situations, like talking on the phone, for example.

Stuttering treatment may also include techniques that stimulate the fluency of speech, plus the use of specific electronic devices that can contribute to speech flow better. In the case of children, the family can be involved to help them speak more smoothly and fluently.

Learn more at: Childhood Stuttering: How to Identify and Treat?

There is no medicine to treat stuttering. However, some remedies that work on the central nervous system can make a person stutter less.

Stuttering can interfere with personal, social and professional life, as well as lower self-esteem and bring emotional losses. In such cases, psychological counseling is important. The support groups stutterers are indicated in these situations, as they can help the person to better understand their problem when seeing that there are others with the same difficulty.

The treatment of stuttering can take 6 to 12 months to present results, depending on the degree of stuttering. Other factors are also important in defining treatment success, such as the patient's age, cooperation, and family involvement in treatment.

There are several ways to treat stuttering. However, the most effective treatments are often multidisciplinary and may involve speech pathologist, psychologist, psychiatrist, neurologist and otolaryngologist.

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