Is meningitis contagious? How does transmission occur?

Expert answer:

Yes, meningitis is contagious, mainly the viral and the bacterial, that are transmitted from person to person through droplets of saliva or secretion expelled by individuals infected with talk, cough, sneeze or kiss.

In the case of viral meningitis caused by enterovirus (viruses that inhabit the intestine), transmission occurs through contact with infected feces fecal-oral.

It is important to remember that you do not have to have meningitis to transmit the disease. The person may have the virus or the bacteria and not develop meningitis, but can transmit the disease anyway.

This can occur in the meningococcal meningitis, for example in which the person has the bacteria in the throat, is not sick, but can transmit the microbe, kiss.

In order to transmit the meningitis it is necessary to have intimate and prolonged contact (living in the same house, sharing the same room). Hence living with sick or infected people is important for contagion.

At children With less then 1 year are the most susceptible to meningitis because they have not yet developed antibodies capable of fighting the viruses and bacteria that cause the disease.

How to prevent meningitis?

  • Take the vaccine, which protects against types A, B, C, W and Y of meningococcal meningitis (learn more: Vaccine for meningitis B causes some reaction or side effect?);
  • Avoid crowded places;
  • Keep the rooms well ventilated;
  • Wash hands after going to the bathroom;
  • Clean and sanitize environments adequately;
  • Detect and treat early cases of meningitis to prevent the disease from being transmitted.

Seek immediate medical attention if you have had contact with someone who is sick or if you have any of the symptoms of meningitis.

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Is Meningitis Cure? What is the treatment?

How do I know if I have meningitis?

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