A wart was born near the entrance to the vagina. What can it be?

A small wart was born near the entrance to my vagina. Is it HPV or bartolinite? What's the difference?
Expert answer:

Wart in genital area be indicative of any sexually transmitted disease (DST). The most frequent lesion associated with warts in the vagina is due to the human papilloma virus (HPV).

These warts can appear between 3 weeks to 8 months after unprotected intercourse. Most warts in the vagina from HPV are transient and can resolve themselves within 2 years, requiring no specific treatment.

If there is wart growth, pain and discomfort, seek a health service for evaluation and treatment. In some cases, these warts need to be "burned" with acid to be eliminated.

It is essential to perform the preventive examination frequently (annual or every 3 years depending on the test result) for evaluation of the uterus, cervix and the inner region of the vagina. This test is capable of evaluating the presence of lesions and lesions that, when detected, may be properly treated. The preventive examination is offered at the Basic Health Units for free.