What is Restless Leg Syndrome?

Expert answer:

Restless leg syndrome is a neurological disorder characterized by a feeling of discomfort in the lower limbs that causes a uncontrollable urge to move legs. The symptoms of restless legs syndrome are manifested when the person is at rest, especially at bedtime.

A person with restless legs syndrome has a very strong urge to move the lower limbs, usually associated with a tingling or loss of sensation in the leg between the ankle and the knee.

A person needs to move the limb to relieve these symptoms, which begin or worsen during periods of resting. It is also common for symptoms to worsen end of the day Or the night, before going to bed or after lying down.

The disorder is more common in women. The first symptoms usually appear between 27 and 41 years of age, with a tendency to worsen in the third age.

The need to move the legs impairs the sleep quality, causing tiredness, drowsiness, irritation, difficulty concentrating and memory problems. In addition, restless legs syndrome makes it difficult to make long journeys and movies, for example, leading to significant impairments in quality of life.

About 30% of cases of restless legs syndrome are caused by genetic factors. Other causes include iron deficiency, pregnancy, abuse of stimulants and alcoholic beverages, smoking, use of antidepressant and antipsychotic medications, kidney and degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's. In approximately 30% of cases, the syndrome has an unknown cause.

The treatment of restless legs syndrome is done with medicines that stimulate the production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that is present in fewer amounts in people with the disorder. This substance conducts the nervous impulses and their diminution or the lack in the organism affects the movements of the body.

Other drugs that are also used to treat the syndrome are the anticonvulsants and the benzodiazepines (soothing).

It is also part of the treatment of restless legs syndrome to adopt habits that help improve symptoms, such as eating healthy, practicing physical activity regularly, reducing caffeine and stimulants, taking iron supplements and vitamins in case of anemia.

The diagnosis and treatment of restless legs syndrome is the responsibility of the neurologist.

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