What is a deviated nasal septum?

Expert answer:

Deviation of the nasal septum is a tortuosity of the septum, which is the "wall" that separates the two nasal cavities. Deviation of the septum leads to nasal obstruction (stuffy nose) and may have genetic causes or traumatic

O nasal septum is formed by cartilage, in the anterior part, and bone, in the posterior region, being covered by a mucosa. About 85% of people have some degree of deviated from the nasal septum.

In the short term, deviated septum does not have major consequences. However, as age grows, breathing problems.

Generally, the nose sucks at night, on the side that is changing. Deviation of the nasal septum may also worsen the rhinitis and sinusitis.

What are the symptoms of nasal septum deviation?

  • Sensation of stuffy nose;
  • Breathing through the mouth;
  • Physical performance worsening;
  • Dry mouth;
  • Sore throat;
  • Snoring;
  • Bleeding in the nose;
  • Decreased smell;
  • Frequent sinusitis.

What are the causes of nasal septum deviation?

The deviation of the septum is main cause small nose trauma during the septum growth phase, including intrauterine life.

The deformity usually comes from the childhood, during the period of bone formation, up to the 12 years.

Children what they sleep with their mouths open may also have deviated septum, as the tongue tends to push the sky from the mouth upwards, pressing the septum and causing the deviation.

Face trauma and nose fractures may also cause septum deviation.

What is the treatment for nasal septum deviation?

The treatment of septum deviation is done through surgery (septoplasty), which corrects the deformity. The procedure is relatively simple and does not leave marks or scar.

Surgical treatment is only indicated when the deviated septum causes major nasal obstruction (stuffy nose), recurrent sinusitis and Headache.

Septoplasty is also indicated when the goal is complement the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea.

The doctor responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of nasal septum deviation is the otorhinolaryngologist.