Can I take the flu vaccine if I have the flu?

Expert answer:

Yes, as long as you do not have a fever, you can take the flu shot if you have the flu. However, it is important to remember that the vaccine will not relieve the symptoms of the already installed flu, nor cure it.

The goal of taking the flu vaccine is prevent new cases when there is an outbreak. If the person is already infected with the virus, the dose will not work against the infection.

THE flu's vacine also does not cause flu. It is produced with dead viruses, unable to cause disease. Therefore, if the person has the flu, does not have a fever and decides to take the vaccine, it will not get sicker for that.

The vaccine against influenza is contraindicated for people allergic to egg protein, which is used in its manufacture. Individuals who have already had an allergic reaction after eating egg should not get vaccinated. However, this type of allergy is quite rare.

Who has ever had adverse reactions to any of the components of the vaccine also should not be vaccinated. In these cases, a medical evaluation is advised to know if it is safe or not to take the vaccine.

Read more on the subject at: Flu Vaccine: What Possible Reactions or Side Effects?

In any case, it is best to talk with your family doctor or general practitioner to assess the risk of taking the flu vaccine if you have the flu.

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