What are the symptoms of a stroke?

Expert answer:

Signs and symptoms of a stroke may include loss of strength, numbness or paralysis of the face or limb on one side of the body, changes in vision, difficulty speaking or understanding phrases, imbalance, dizziness, lack of coordination when walking or falling sudden, severe and persistent headache and difficulty swallowing.

The manifestations of a stroke (Stroke) or encephalic (stroke), as it is also known, vary depending on where the stroke occurred. However, an important characteristic of stroke is the fact that its signs and symptoms have sudden onset.

Although strokes are popularly called "strokes", the occurrence of extravasation of blood to the brain only occurs in the Hemorrhagic stroke. In these cases, bleeding is caused by rupture of an artery.

However, the most common form of "stroke" is Ischemic stroke, in which there is no actual blood "spillage", but rather an obstruction or abrupt diminution of blood flow to the brain.

Treatment of stroke depends on the type of stroke. The faster it starts, the smaller the chances of sequelae and the greater the chances of the patient surviving.

Therefore, the first symptoms on one stroke, the person should be taken as soon as possible to an emergency service. The specialist responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of stroke is the neurologist.

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