What is the temperature of the fever?

Expert answer:

Fever is the body temperature above 37.8 ° C, when measured under the arm (axilla). Depending on the region of the body where the bulb or thermometer sensor is placed, this temperature may vary:

  • mouth (oral): normal up to 37.8 ° C;
  • ear (tympanic membrane): normal up to 38.3 ° C;
  • rectal (anal): normal up to 38ºC.

Body temperature can undergo minor changes during the day, depending on physical activity, weather, clothing worn, ovulation of the woman, first trimester of pregnancy, age, and even from person to person. However, it is only considered fever when there is an increase in temperature to above the average of the human body. The instrument used to measure the temperature is the thermometer, which must be kept in the body for about 5 minutes.

Fever is not a disease, it is a reaction to some problem that strikes the body. It can be caused by an infection, inflammation, trauma, cancer, changes in the central nervous system and blood, among others. It may be accompanied by symptoms such as: malaise, nausea, vomiting, headache and fatigue.

Fever control can be done by attempting to cool the body: make cold compresses under the arms, neck and groin (inguinal), keep clothes light and take baths with warm or cold water. The medicines used to control fever are the antipyretics, such as: dipyrone, ibuprofen, acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol. However, any medicine should only be used as prescribed.

Since the fever can have varied causes, a doctor should be sought whenever the fever persists and if the person presents, besides the fever, some other sign or symptom.