What is the treatment for measles?

Expert answer:

There is no treatment specific for measles. Because it is a self-limiting disease, O for measles is only intended for the relief of symptoms . People with measles should rest, ingest plenty of fluids, eat light foods, wipe their eyes with warm water, and take antipyretic drugs to lower the fever, especially paracetamol or dipyrone.

Medicines based on acetylsalicylic acid such as AAS, Aspirin, Doril and Mejoral, should not be taken as they increase the risk of bleeding. Depending on the case, there may be a need for treatment to increase immunity.

Vaccination is the only way to prevent measles. The anti-measles vaccine is effective in about 97% of cases. It should be applied in two doses from the first year of the child's life. Usually, the booster dose is applied between four and six years. Exception is given to pregnant women and immunosuppressed individuals. Adults who have not taken the vaccine and have not had measles in childhood should also be vaccinated.