What is the treatment for a boil?

Expert answer:

O boil can be treated with the application of warm compress on the region in order to help drain secretion and improve local pain. This can be done by the person in your home.

In cases where this dressing is not sufficient and does not show improvement, there may be a need for the use of antibiotics and drainage of the secretion.

With the secretion drainage, the pus is withdrawn and the pain is greatly reduced. The drainage should be indicated by the doctor and performed at the health facility. It does not recommend squeezing the furuncle or sticking with inappropriate materials as this can aggravate and spread the infection.

O antibiotic use will be done with medical indication and does not recommend random use without a prescription and for a time shorter than indicated in the prescription.

If in doubt, it is important to seek a health facility for evaluation and guidance of appropriate treatment.