What diseases can be acquired through contact with the garbage?

Expert answer:

There's a lot diseases which can be acquired through Contact with the garbage. Some of them:

  • Tetanus: Severe illness caused by a toxin produced by bacteria Clostridium tetani. When it contaminates the wounds, the bacteria produce the toxin, which acts on nerve terminals and induces strong muscle contractions. These contractions can become generalized and reach the diaphragm muscle, causing a respiratory arrest;
  • Hepatitis A: Acute infectious disease, caused by a virus, which causes inflammation and necrosis of the liver. The virus is transmitted by the fecal-oral route, by ingestion of contaminated food and water, or directly from person to person;
  • Contact dermatitis: Inflammation of the skin caused by direct contact with substances that cause allergic or inflammatory reaction, such as acids, soaps, detergents, solvents, overdue or damaged products, adhesives, cosmetics and other chemical substances;
  • Cholera: Acute intestinal infection caused by bacteria Vibrio cholerae, capable of producing a toxin that causes diarrhea. Transmission occurs by ingestion of contaminated food or water;
  • Trachoma: Conjunctivitis can lead to scarring of the conjunctiva and cornea, leading to blindness. The transmission can occur through contact with the eyes of the hands, towels or clothes used to clean face and hands;
  • Typhoid fever: Severe infectious disease caused by bacteria Salmonella typhi. The disease causes prolonged fever, changes in bowel function, enlargement of the liver and spleen, and progressive mental confusion, leading to death. Its transmission occurs through ingestion of water or food contaminated with human feces or urine containing the Salmonella typhi, besides direct contact (hand-mouth) with feces, urine, respiratory secretion, vomit or pus from an infected individual;
  • Verminoses: Áscaris Lumbricoides, Ancilostomo Duodenale, Trichiuris Trichiura, Tênia Saginata, Tênia Solium, Amoebas and Giardia are some of the parasites that can inhabit the intestine. Depending on the type of parasite, it can lead to loss of appetite, weight loss, diarrhea, anemia, colon disorder and irritation of the rectum and anus. The transmission may be by ingestion of undercooked or raw foods that have not been properly sanitized, contaminated water, direct contact with human or animal excrement.

THE streaming of diseases by litter occurs mainly due to the large amount of animals attracted by garbage (flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, rats, pigs) and also the difficulty of hygiene in the garbage sorting spaces.

For to prevent diseases, it is fundamental to use safety equipment by those who work in garbage collection and selection, as well as the observation of adequate hygiene and prophylaxis habits.