I've been awake with a mouth full of saliva. What can it be?

A few days ago I have woken up with her mouth full of saliva ... even spitting it comes back to appear and only passes after brushing my teeth and eating something. What can this be?
Expert answer:

Excessive production of saliva on waking is a disorder called idiopathic morning hypersalivation. Excess saliva can have many causes, such as inflammation and oral infections, gastroesophageal reflux, neurological diseases (Parkinson's, cerebral palsy), high blood pressure and use of medications.

Other common causes of hypersalivation include pregnancy, liver disease, oral ulcers, radiation therapy and intoxication by heavy metals such as mercury and lead.

Hypersalivation can also be caused by weakness or lack of control of facial muscles, of the tongue, mouth or throat, which hinders the swallowing of saliva, although the production is not excessive.

Among the medicines which can increase saliva production are tranquilizers and anticonvulsants.

Hypersalivation can be controlled by swallowing the saliva. However, when there is some sensory disturbance, the body does not recognize the excess of saliva produced. Already in cases where there is loss or lack of control of the musculature, the person can not swallow the saliva.

Other less common causes for hypersalivation are macroglossia (enlarged tongue) and head and neck surgeries.

To diagnose the cause of your morning hypersalivation, consult a dental surgeon or stomatologist.