I have a lot of itchy eyes. What can be and what to do to alleviate?

Expert answer:

Itchy eyes can be a symptom of allergy, conjunctivitis, stye or other inflammation and eye infections. However, itching in the eye is the main symptom of ocular allergy. Most cases are mild and manifest as allergic conjunctivitis, usually associated with allergic rhinitis, asthma and atopic dermatitis.

In addition to the itching, eye allergy also leaves red and swollen eyes and causes tearing. In some cases corneal injury can occur because the person is constantly scratching the eyes.

Other possible causes for itchy eyes include:

Conjuntivites: It is an inflammation of the clear mucosa of the surface of the eye, the conjunctiva, which can be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi or have allergic origin. Causes redness of the eyes, watery eyes, discharge, sore eyes and itching. Here are the symptoms of conjunctivitis.

Horde: Known popularly as "terçol", it is a bacterial infection followed by an inflammation in the ciliary follicles (outer hordeolum) or glands of Zeiss (internal hordeolum). It can leave the entire eyelid swollen and make it touch sensitive as well. Other symptoms include tearing, pain in the eyes and swelling.

Blepharitis: Inflammation of the eyelids, usually caused by the excessive production of fat by a gland found in the eyelid. It is characterized by swollen and painful eyelids, and may be accompanied by dandruff, itchy eyes, changes in the skin of the eyelid and loss of eyelashes.

Ocular herpes: Caused by the common herpes simplex virus, it causes inflammation and sometimes scarring of the cornea. Symptoms may be similar to those of conjunctivitis, although painful eyelid wounds and blurred vision may occur. It can range from a mild infection to a more severe form that can lead to loss of vision.

Learn more at: How to Identify and Treat Ocular Herpes?

Use of contact lenses: Using poorly sanitized lenses or swimming with contact lenses can cause an eye infection. Putting on lost, damaged or even sleeping lenses and forgetting to remove the lenses can also cause irritation and itchy eyes.

It is important to remember that scratching the eyes from time to time is normal. However, having itchy eyes constantly can indicate a problem and needs to be investigated.

In such cases, avoid very eye-scratching, especially if you have not thoroughly washed your hands as it may increase the risk of developing conjunctivitis. In addition, frequent eye scratching can lead to corneal damage and cause astigmatism, blurred vision and even increase sensitivity to light.

Do not use eye drops on their own to relieve itching. Eye drops are medicines that can cause adverse reactions and should only be used with medical advice.

In case of itching that does not go away, consult your eye doctor to determine the cause and indicate appropriate treatment to relieve symptoms and avoid complications.

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