In recovery after a laparoscopy, what care should I take?

Expert answer:

It depends on what was the indication and what was found during the procedure.

In general, there are no major prohibitions, but it is possible that the patient may feel some pain or discomfort caused by the manipulation and the gases that are normally injected into the abdomen and take a few days to be absorbed. This pain will limit somewhat the more vigorous activities like lowering, climbing stairs, walking too fast or carrying weight.

There may also be difficulty in digestion and abdominal pain by making force to evacuate. Therefore, it is recommended that the patient has light and healthy meals in the first few days.

These discomforts should not last longer than 3 days, and usually relieve with simple painkillers.

Either way, the best person to indicate the recommendations is the surgeon who performed the procedure. He will be able to customize the guidelines for each case.