What is the recovery time of an appendicitis surgery?

Expert answer:

The time of hospitalization after the appendectomy can vary, on average, from 3 to 7 days, and may reach a month or more, depending on several factors such as age, general health of the person, surgical technique used and presence of surgical complications.

The appendicitis or appendectomy surgery is the surgery in which the vermiform appendix is ​​removed, which is a small, thin, long-shaped pouch, like a finger, located at the end of the large intestine. This surgery is necessary when an obstruction and inflammation of the appendix occurs. It should be removed before there is a perforation with the exit of stool and pus (suppuration and gangrene).

Some factors that interfere in the time of hospitalization and its recovery after appendectomy:

  • age - generally, the older the person the more time will be needed for their recovery,
  • complicated surgeries (suppurative and gangrenous appendicitis) require a longer time of hospitalization and recovery,
  • the technique of laparoscopic surgery generally leads to a faster recovery than the technique of open surgery,
  • Associated diseases - people with diabetes, heart or lung problems may have more postoperative complications that require longer hospitalization and delayed recovery.

The time required for recovery in the postoperative period and for the recovery of normal activities varies from person to person, depending on the recovery capacity of each organism, and the gastro-surgeon is responsible for this orientation.

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