Anyone Can Do Stomach Reduction Surgery?

Expert answer:

No, it's not anyone who can do stomach reduction surgery, also called bariatric surgery or gastroplasty. There are indications and contraindications for surgery.

Stomach reduction surgery is indicated especially in two situations:

  • Patients with BMI (Body Mass Index) above 35, who present complications due to overweight, such as sleep apnea, hypertension, diabetes, increased levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, joint problems;
  • Patients with BMI greater than 40, who have not been able to lose weight with other treatments.

However, each case needs individualized clinical-laboratory evaluation, in which blood pressure, blood glucose, blood fats, liver, heart and lung functions are verified, among other tests.

In addition, a digestive endoscopy is abdominal ultrasound before surgery, in addition to a psychological evaluation.

Provided there is surgical indication and a rigorous clinical evaluation is done, the stomach reduction surgery can be done practically in any age, from adolescence to old age.

As regards the restrictions, the bariatric surgery is contraindicated following situations:

  • Severe psychological instability, presence of eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia, should be treated before the operation;
  • Depression, alcoholism, drug use;
  • Patients who are unable, due to psychological instability, to follow the postoperative guidelines regarding changes in lifestyle and diet;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Patients who have a large hiatal hernia, esophageal varices, immunological or inflammatory diseases of the upper digestive tract, which may increase the predisposition to bleeding or other risk conditions;
  • Severe and uncompensating cardiopulmonary disease;
  • Patients with allergies to any of the components of the system.

Stomach reduction surgery is a complex procedure that presents a risk of complications, and it is fundamental to change the patient's eating habits. Technical guidance, psychological counseling and family support are also indicated.