What care should I take with the surgical points?

Expert answer:

The care with surgical points are cited below:

  • Keep the wound clean and dry;
  • Observe the signs of infection: pain, local heat, redness, edema (swelling), secretion drainage;
  • Keep the wound covered with the bandage - it helps protect the wound from microorganisms. If your doctor allows, the surgical wound may be left uncured and should be washed with running water and mild soap, and then dried carefully to avoid friction or pressure under the site;
  • Clean the wound with running water and neutral soap;
  • Properly use the medications prescribed by your doctor.

It is possible, depending on the surgery performed, that other care, such as the use of specific belts, is necessary. Follow the guidelines given by the doctor who performed your surgical procedure and, in case of breakage of points or signs of infection or bleeding, seek it.

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