Female hair loss, what can it be? How to treat?

Expert answer:

Female hair loss can have many causes, such as diseases of the scalp or body, lack of vitamins, use of chemicals or due to genetic inheritance. The success of treatment for hair loss in men or women depends on the identification of their cause. When there is no possibility of stopping the fall or stimulating hair growth with medications, hair transplantation may be a solution.

Some Causes and Treatments for Hair Loss:

  • genetic inheritance, treatment is done with the use of drugs to try to minimize the fall and stimulate the growth of the yarn,
  • Hormonal diseases, such as hypothyroidism or Addison's disease, should treat the disease as soon as it is diagnosed,
  • Scalp diseases, such as dandruff, folliculitis and tinea capitis, should be treated with specific shampoos and medications,
  • chemicals such as dyes, straighteners and bleaches, when used exaggeratedly or in inadequate concentrations can lead to hair loss,
  • the stretching or pulling of the hair, both in frequent hairstyles and holding them constantly drawn, can contribute to their fall,
  • thermal equipment such as planks or plates and other devices that use heat to straighten the hair can accelerate its fall,
  • autoimmune diseases such as alopecia areata and systemic lupus erythematosus,
  • deficiency of vitamins such as vitamin A, B, D can lead to hair loss, being avoided with a varied and healthy diet, or with the supplementary use of vitamins when there are problems related to its malabsorption,
  • trichotillomania, psychiatric disorder in which the person pulls out the hair, must be treated by the psychiatrist and psychologist,
  • medicines, such as those used to treat cancer.

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The dermatologist is the specialist who can diagnose the cause of hair loss, guide your treatment or referral to other health professionals.