Bleeding after curettage is normal?

Expert answer:

a light bleeding after curettage Can be normal and last for a few days. Severe bleeding is not considered normal after curettage.

It is important to note if the amount of blood is decreasing over time and if the blood changes from smell.

If the bleeding is heavy, with clots and a strong odor (other than menstruation), and if the woman has severe colic or fever, she should seek care emergency.

At complications of uterine curettage are rare, but they can happen. Among them, there may be perforation of the uterus, traumas in the region of the cervix, infection or intrauterine adhesion.

The woman who in the days after the procedure presented cramps which do not improve with analgesics, fever or heavy bleeding you should seek the gynecological urgency service for reassessment of the procedure.