Drying of vines does it hurt?

Expert answer:

Drying of vases or venous sclerotherapy may hurt depending on the method used for treatment, the region where the vessels are and the painful sensitivity of each person. The drying of the vessels (telangiectasias) or sclerotherapy is the promotion of an inflammatory reaction inside the vessels leading to its hardening (sclerosis) and subsequent absorption by the organism ... The number of sessions required will depend on the number of vessels and the surgeon's ability .

There are several techniques available for its realization, which are indicated as per the physician's evaluation and the patient's desire.

  • In conventional sclerotherapy, sclerosing chemical substances, such as polydocanol and hypertonic glucose, are injected through a small thin needle. Bronchial lesions (bruising) can occur after the procedure, which are absorbed over the course of days. The sensation is caused by a small sting and mild burning, especially in the most sensitive regions of the leg.
  • In cryosclerotherapy, the procedure performed is similar to that of conventional sclerotherapy, but the injected substance is cooled, aiming to cause a faster result, with less possibility of bruising and with less pain than in the conventional technique.
  • In LASER sclerotherapy, the process of vessel sclerosis occurs through the emission of light waves that promote the increase of the temperature inside the vessel and an inflammatory reaction. Some types of skin, darker or tan, may not be suitable for LASER treatment. It may be a little sore and cause a slight local burning sensation for a few hours after treatment. Usually, a device is used that cools the skin with a jet of cold air to avoid pain during the procedure.

None of these techniques require rest or hospitalization. In case of bruising, avoid exposure to the sun until they disappear. Some doctors advise the use of elastic stockings or the elastic bandage of the leg after the procedure.

The vascular surgeon is the physician responsible for the treatment and guidance of circulatory problems.