Does ADHD Have Cure? How is the treatment?

Expert answer:

ADHD There is no cure., but has treatment. To treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are used psychotherapy, psychopedagogy (children) and medicines stimulants and antidepressants.

In children, the treatment of ADHD should be multidisciplinary due to the pedagogical and behavioral dysfunctions that may be associated. In addition to medications, parents and teachers should receive guidance and specific techniques are taught to reduce the child's learning difficulties.

THE speech therapy is recommended in specific cases, when simultaneously with ADHD the child also presents dyslexia or dysortography. It may also be necessary to follow up with other professionals, such as psychopedagogue and psychomotor, depending on the difficulties presented.

In a few weeks it is already possible to observe the positive results of drug treatment. The Side effects Most common are irritability, insomnia, abdominal pain, tremors, poor appetite and headache. However, these reactions are mild and occur primarily at the beginning of treatment.

THE Cognitive behavioral therapy is the most commonly used psychotherapy technique for treating ADHD in adults, with a good response to symptom relief. The method helps the patient to develop ways of dealing with their limitations.

Medications stimulants or antidepressants are mainly recommended when the symptoms cause much suffering to the individual or seriously damage his personal and professional life.

The first step in treating ADHD is to recognize the problem. People often take time to seek help because of the prejudice that exists in relation to mental disorders.

A child suspected of having ADHD should be evaluated by a pediatrician who will refer them to a specialist if they are suspicious of the disorder. Adults should consult a psychiatrist.

Learn more at: What is ADHD and How is it Diagnosed?