I have white patches on my skin. What can it be?

Expert answer:

White spots on the skin may be a sign of vitiligo, ringworm, lack of vitamins or minerals or other dermatological problems. White spots on the face or arm, such as freckles, may also be caused by excessive sun exposure.

O vitiligo is a cutaneous disease characterized by the loss of melanin, the substance responsible for the pigmentation of the skin. The white patches of vitiligo can appear anywhere on the body and have varied shapes and sizes.

The spots do not itch, nor do they cause pain or irritation on the spot. In some cases, white spots may Brown and form scales on them.

In the case of ringworm, white patches on the skin appear mainly on the arms, face, scalp, chest and back, which are regions of the body with more oiliness.

Pityriasis versicolor, popularly called "White cloth", is a skin infection caused by fungi, very common during the summer. Ringworm is not contagious and treatment is done with shampoos, ointments and antifungal medicines.

White spots on the face may be caused by excess sun exposure. Unprotected sun can impair the functioning of melanocytes, which are the cells responsible for the production of melanin (pigment that gives color to the skin).

The absence of pigmentation leaves the skin lighter or colorless in some places, giving rise to white patches that face, at leg and in the arm.

White patches on the skin may also be caused by a lack of vitamins or minerals. The lack of essential micronutrients may be due to poor eating habits or very restrictive diets. In addition to blemishes on the skin and nails, lack of vitamins and minerals can cause various health problems.

The presence of white spots on the skin should be evaluated by the dermatologist, family doctor or general practitioner to diagnose the cause of the problem and prescribe appropriate treatment.

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