My penis is swollen, what can it be?

Expert answer:

Puffy penis may be a sign of inflammations, infections, fractures, trauma or have other causes. If the swelling is accompanied by pain, redness, and local heat, it is likely to be an inflammation of the glans (penis head), foreskin (skin covering the glans penis), or both.

Inflammation of the glans is known as balanitis. If the skin is also inflamed, it is called balanoposthitis. The balanitis and balanoposthitis leave the glans and foreskin swollen, as well as causing pain, redness and increased temperature in these places. Some patients may even have sores on the head of the penis.

If balanitis or balanopostitis are associated with infectious processes, signs and symptoms may also include the presence of pus, itching, and discharge with an unpleasant odor.

The main causes of these inflammations are infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi or other microorganisms, and can be caused by skin diseases, allergic reactions, trauma, inadequate hygiene and even penile cancer.

The swelling in the penis can also be due to a urethritis. It is an inflammation of the urethra, the excretory canal of urine.

Urethritis is a type of urinary tract infection and its main symptoms are pain or burning at the time of urination and the presence of yellowish discharge on the penis, usually accompanied by foul smelling. Some men may also get swollen penis and feel itching and increased sensitivity.

Already the fractures occur almost always during the sexual act, especially when the woman is positioned above the man. As the penis has no bones, the term "fracture" refers to the rupture of the membrane that covers the corpora cavernosa (chambers that fill with blood to keep the penis erect).

Besides the penis getting swollen, there may be pain, bruising and bleeding. It is common for the patient to hear a snap at the moment of rupture, followed by immediate loss of the erection.

The urologist is the specialist physician to evaluate and diagnose the origin of penile edema. Look for one in the presence of symptoms.

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