How long after delivery can I have sex?

Expert answer:

It is advisable to avoid sexual intercourse within the first 40 days after giving birth. During this period, the woman's reproductive system is recovering from the changes that occurred during pregnancy and childbirth. The pelvic floor is being readapted to the new anatomical configuration post gestation. The presence of surgical points in the belly (caesarean section) or vagina (normal delivery) due to possible lacerations can generate discomfort during sexual intercourse. During this period, the chance of infection is greater due to the presence of uterine bleeding and scarring with the closure of some veins of the uterus.

After the 40-day postpartum period, the time to have sex again will depend on each woman and how she will feel comfortable and at ease during the relationship.

It is important to family planning and associate some contraceptive method.

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