3 Natural Remedies That Will Help You Sleep

Expert answer:

Get to know 3 Natural Remedies That Help You Sleep Better at night, which fight insomnia and anxiety:

  1. Passion fruit teaPassiflora edulis): It has sedative properties that relax, fight anxiety and help sleep better;

    • Ingredients:

      • 3 tablespoons dried Passiflora leaves;
      • 200 ml of boiling water;
    • How to make and take:
      • Add the dried Passiflora leaves to the boiling water;
      • Leave muffled for 10 minutes;
      • Take passionfruit tea 2 hours before bedtime to sleep;
    • Contraindications: It should not be taken by someone with low blood pressure;
  2. Valerian tea (Valeriana officinalis): It has soothing and sedative properties that induce sleep and combat insomnia;
    • Ingredients:
      • 1 teaspoon of roots and valerian stem;
      • 1 cup of boiling water;
    • How to make and take:
      • Add valerian to boiling water;
      • Leave infused, covered, for 5 minutes;
      • Coe and take a cup of valerian tea 3 times a day and before going to sleep;
    • Contraindications: Should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women;
  3. Mulungu tea (Erythrina mulungu): It has soothing and sedative action; the tea is made with the husk of the stem of the crushed mulungu;
    • Ingredients:
      • 4g of mulungu bark;
      • 1 cup of boiling water;
    • How to make and take:
      • Add the mulungu to the boiling water;
      • Let it boil for 15 minutes and turn off the heat;
      • Coe and take mulungu tea while it is still hot, 3 cups a day;
    • Contraindications: Avoid taking mulungu tea for more than 3 consecutive days; pregnant women, people with low blood pressure, and those taking medicines for high blood pressure should avoid taking mulungu tea.

In addition to the teas that work as natural remedies to combat insomnia, there are also other measures that help sleep and improve sleep quality.

Read more about it in:

I can not sleep: what to do?

10 Tips to Improve Sleep Quality

8 tips to regulate your sleep

If you continue to have difficulty sleeping, consult a neurologist who specializes in sleep disorders.