Is it possible to get diseases in the toilet?

Expert answer:

Yes, it is possible to catch diseases in the toilet, mainly in public toilets, even if they are apparently clean. The biggest risk lies in the lid and toilet seat, which may be contaminated with viruses or intestinal bacteria from people who used the toilet before you.

Thus, by touching the lid or the seat, these germs pass into your hands which, if not washed, can easily carry these disease-causing microorganisms into your mouth, causing a intestinal infection.

It is also possible to catch diseases in the toilet by contact with a skin injury, even if it is quite small. If the vessel is contaminated, you can contract viruses such as HPV or herpes.

However, the sexually transmitted diseases (DST), such as AIDS, are not among the diseases that can be transmitted by the toilet, since the microorganisms that cause these pathologies do not survive outside the body for a long time.

The main way of avoid catching an illness through the toilet is washing hands properly after using the bathroom.

Another way to prevent these diseases is to use a Hpocket smartener, approved by Anvisa, to clean and sanitize the toilet seat covers and seats. Thus, it is possible to leave the vessel free of germs that cause disease without risking to attack or provoke reactions on the skin.