What are the side effects of spinal anesthesia?

Expert answer:

The possible side effects of spinal anesthesia include shortness of breath, low blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias, allergies (itching), cold, headache, tremors and nausea.

After lumbar puncture, a little liquor (fluid that surrounds the brain) may leak, which increases pressure inside the skull and can cause Headache.

Headache occurs in up to 1% of people undergoing spinal anesthesia and is related to the size of the needle used, the type of surgery and the age of the patient, being more common in young people.

The pain usually improves lying down and gets worse when standing or sitting down.

Treatment in these cases is done with Rest, Hydration and medicines analgesics.

Another side effect of spinal anesthesia is difficulty breathing (shortness of breath), which may be just a sensation or a breathing difficulty indeed. It is a complication that can be avoided by using less anesthetic and being easily remedied.

At complications stemming from spinal anesthesia are very rare, but may occur. The risks are also related to the patient's own surgery and clinical condition.

Respiratory, cardiovascular and allergic complications, cold, tremors and nausea are treated simply with medications. In general, the side effects are mild.

Either way, it is important that medical staff have good equipment and a safe hospital structure to detect and treat any complications early. As well as it is important you tell the medical staff about the presence of any allergy or health problem.

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