I delayed the second pill the next day. Can I be pregnant?

Expert answer:

THE pill of the next day should be taken in two doses. 12 hour interval between the two tablets. When the second pill is taken after this interval within 12 hours of the first pill there may be a contraceptive failure and have the possibility to occur pregnancy.

The morning after pill is effective when used up to 3 days (72 hours) after unprotected intercourse. The earlier it is used, the greater its effectiveness.

The morning-after pill is indicated for women who have failed the usual contraceptive method (forgot to take the pill or injection, overdose), or have had unprotected intercourse during the fertile period or in rape.

She is consider a emergency contraception and should not be taken as a routine contraceptive method.

If the woman wishes to avoid pregnancy, it is recommended that the gynecologist, general practitioner or family doctor be consulted to indicate a long-term contraceptive method.