What is transvaginal ultrasound and how is the test done?

Expert answer:

THE ultrasound (or ultrasound) transvaginal is used to evaluate the anatomy of the female genitalia, such as the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes and cervix.

The examination is done with the woman lying on a stretcher, in a gynecological position (in the same position as the pap smear is collected) and it is necessary to empty the bladder before the examination. The radiologist introduced a transducer coated with a condom into the vagina, where the gel was applied. It is this transducer that captures the images of the examined organs and transmits the information to the computer, where it is possible to see the images. The ultrasound doctor makes measurements of the uterus and ovaries, in addition to assessing the appearance of these organs. The results are issued in the form of reports, together with the ultrasound images, which must be interpreted by the attending physician.

The exam is performed by the radiologist or ultrasonographer.