What is the treatment for low white blood cells?

Expert answer:

Treatment for low leukocytes is individualized, depending on the cause, and may not even be necessary.

The reduction in the number of body defense cells (leukocytes or white cells), relative to a reference value, is called leukopenia. It is not a disease (although it may be the manifestation of one), but a result of laboratory examination (blood test). Its reference value (normal) is 4000 to 10000 leukocytes per cubic millimeter (mm3) of blood. This value was calculated to cover approximately 95% of the healthy population, but can not cover all, ie there are perfectly healthy individuals with, say, 3000 leukocytes / mm 3 (as well as healthy people with 11000 leukocytes / mm 3). Leukopenia becomes severe only from certain critical levels. Some ethnicities such as blacks and Jews from Yemen and Sudan have commonly leukopenia, but any population has physiologically leukopenic individuals to a greater or lesser degree.

In case of leukopenia, a clinician or preferably a hematologist should be consulted for evaluation. Treatment (if necessary) will depend on the cause, which should be investigated initially by the doctor who requested the blood count, who may refer you to a specialist if you deem it necessary.