Does Dyslexia Have a Cure?

Expert answer:

Dyslexia has no cure, but there is treatment through psychopedagogy and speech therapy. The rehabilitation method should be chosen according to the case, since none of them is totally effective.

The goal is not to cure dyslexia, which, to some degree, may persist into adulthood. However, the earlier it is treated, the better the final results will be in school, professional, and even social terms.

With the treatment, the dyslexic patient learns to overcome difficulties and to trace new cerebral routes to achieve understand a text perfectly.

The purpose of therapy is to activate other brain areas that support reading, through the formation of the word and development of fluency in the text.

It is known that dyslexia causes failure to decode written language, that is, the letters of a word are not always identified and the person may not relate the sound to the letter.

It is important to remember that dyslexia has no relation to a low intellectual level. However, the child feels inferior, low self esteem in the future. That is why it is so important to discover the problem early enough to avoid such emotional damage.

In case of suspected dyslexia, the child should be submitted to a cautious evaluation by doctors (pediatrician and neuropediatrician), psychopedagogist and speech therapist.