What is autism and what are the symptoms?

Expert answer:

Autism is an overall developmental disorder that begins in early childhood. Autistic spectrum disorder has as its main symptom the difficulty of social interaction and Communication.

There are different types of autism, with varying degrees of intensity. There are autistics with severe forms of the disorder, mental retardation and aggressiveness, without the possibility of establishing interpersonal contact, and lighter forms, in which intelligence and speech are normal.

Childhood autism is more common in boys and their early signs may appear early in the child's life. However, the disorder is rarely diagnosed early.

Usually the problem is detected when the symptoms become more evident, which usually occurs between the 2 and 3 years old. Since the disorder is global, ie it affects the individual as a whole, it is often confused with other types of psychic disorders.


Symptoms of autism are usually present before 3 years of age. Autistic people are difficult to establish relationships, have difficulty in the language domain, hence the problems of communication, and present repetitive patterns of behavior.

There are several signs that characterize the autistic individual. People with autism have at least half of the following symptoms:

  • Difficulty of interpersonal relationship;
  • Little or no eye contact with other people;
  • Inadequate laughter;
  • Seeks social isolation (preference for solitude);
  • Visual fixation on objects;
  • Apparent insensitivity to pain;
  • Repetitive rotation of objects;
  • Hyper or inactivity;
  • Echolalia (repetition of words or phrases);
  • Denial of affection (lap, hugs);
  • They do not respond by name;
  • Difficulty expressing needs;
  • Difficulty in learning;
  • Unnecessary repetition of subjects;
  • Difficulty changing routine;
  • You are not aware of dangerous situations;
  • Adoption of bizarre poses;
  • Access to anger;
  • Sensory disorganization.

Signs and symptoms of childhood autism may also include seizures, sleep and eating disorders, anxiety and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

However, it is worth emphasizing that the autistic person often dominates the language, can communicate and has a normal intelligence or even above average. These people have less difficulty interacting socially and can have a life that is practically normal.


For the diagnosis of autism, disorders are considered in three areas, with onset of symptoms before three years of age:

  1. Commitment to social interaction;
  2. Restricted and repetitive behavior and interests;
  3. Commitment to verbal and non-verbal communication.

Autism is a chronic disease and treatment should be instituted as soon as the diagnosis is made. Treatment should be multidisciplinary and individual, based on the degree of commitment of each patient.

The diagnosis and treatment can be conducted by a psychiatrist in association with other specialists such as physiotherapist, speech therapist, occupational therapist and psychologist.

Learn more at: Does Autism Have a Cure?