How to make the exchange of contraceptives (from injectable to pill and from pill to injectable)?

Expert answer:

If the woman makes use of contraceptive contraceptive and want change to oral pill, you should start the pill packet in the expected date of next injection. In addition, a barrier method (condom) should be used during the first seven days of oral contraceptive use, as there is a risk of pregnancy during this period.

If the woman uses the pill and wishes to switch to the injectable contraceptive, she should follow this guideline: take the last pill in the pack and wait for the menstrual period. The injectable contraceptive should be applied in the first three days of menstruation or between the seventh and tenth day of the cycle, depending on the composition of the injection (monthly or quarterly). In addition, it is recommended to use the male condom (condom) on days between the end of the pill tablet and during the first month after the first injection, as there is a risk of pregnancy.

In addition, it is important to always use a barrier method such as a condom, since oral or injectable contraceptives do not protect against the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases.

The gynecologist should advise you on contraceptive methods and how to change method.