I have had 4 abortions, I did the genetic study and found ...

Good morning, dr. I had 4 abortions, 2 spontaneous and 2 did curettage, in 4 abortion I did the genetic study of the material harvested and found TRIPLOIDIA 69 XXY, what does it mean? Is it the cause of other miscarriages? Is there any treatment for this? Do I have a chance of getting pregnant again without problems? Help me please, I really want to have a baby. What do you mentor me? Thank you, Leydes.
Expert answer:

This is a problem of dividing the chromosomes which is a common cause of recurrent miscarriages. It's probably the cause of your problem. We can not tell if a next pregnancy will be normal because we do not know the causes of other abortions. But chances are yes everything will go well. Ideally, you should look for some service of human reproduction, there are private clinics specialized in that, the SUS can get a similar service in outpatient clinics of human reproduction linked to some university.