Can polycystic ovary and myoma make it difficult to get pregnant?

I have a micropolictic ovary and recently I discovered that I have myoma, can this make it difficult to get pregnant?
Expert answer:

The majority of women with polycystic ovary and / or myoma are capable of becoming pregnant and do not present any problem.

Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome may have difficulty getting pregnant because they present the irregular menstrual cycle.

Due to hormonal imbalance, some menstrual cycles do not present ovulation, which may take a longer time for the woman with polycystic ovarian syndrome to become pregnant.

In general, after 12 consecutive months of attempting to become pregnant, the woman along with her partner should seek an appointment with a family doctor, general practitioner, or gynecologist for an evaluation of the couple's fertility.

With regard to myoma, some women may have difficulty in getting pregnant because the myoma can interfere with the implantation site of the embryo, the distension of the uterus at the beginning of gestation and impair uterine contractions.

This situation is rare and will depend on location of myoma in the womb. Some complications during pregnancy, also infrequent, may occur as miscarriage, pain, premature labor and placental abruption.

Other factors related to infertility are more important to be investigated in the couple with difficulty in becoming pregnant. O family planning is preconception consultation with the gynecologist, general practitioner or family doctor can facilitate the solution of doubts and reduce the insecurity of the couple.

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