Can I be pregnant even though the test is negative?

I am almost 2 months late, I took the beta-hcg test and it was negative and I would like to know if I can be pregnant even if the test is negative? Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!
Expert answer:

Yes, it is possible to be pregnant as negative test.

The levels of hCG hormone start climbing after 8 days occurred fertilization, soon after implantation of the fertilized ovum in the uterus. If the pregnancy test it's done before this stage, the result may be a false negative.

That's because there is not a quantity of circulating hormone that is sufficient to be detected by the exam.

The pharmacy pregnancy tests (qualitative beta-HCG), made with urine, take a little longer to charge positive, since the concentration of the hormone in the urine is much lower than in the blood.

Qualitative beta-HCG tests do not show the amount of hormone found in the blood. These tests say only "positive" or "negative."

Therefore, to avoid false negatives, it is recommended that the pharmacy tests be done with two weeks of delay in menstruation.

Quantitative beta-HCG exams are more accurate because they indicate the amount of the "beta" subunit of HCG present in the blood. These tests can detect a pregnancy as early as the 1st day of your period.

Therefore, in the presence of menstrual delay and other pregnancy symptoms, it is recommended to repeat the examination in a few weeks. If you do again the test and continue negative, consult with the gynecologist, family doctor or clinic / general so that these symptoms are properly investigated.