How many days does the pill last after taking it?

I stopped taking contraceptives and maintained relationships. For how many days have I been through the effect of it?
Expert answer:

The effect of the pill only lasts one day. If you stopped taking the contraceptive, it means that you were already unprotected from the risk of becoming pregnant.

However, there are several factors that influence the permanence of contraceptive effect in the body, such as the time you took the pill, how many pills you took in the last pack, if you menstruated after stopping taking and so on.

By stopping the use of the medicine, the body prepares to start ovulation again. This process takes on average 1 to 3 months leading to ovulation and menstruation back to normal. In the first months after stopping the pill, there may be no ovulation and the woman does not menstruate.

Time for a Woman get pregnant after stopping the pill is variable and may be in the next cycle or until 6 months after the end of the pill.

There are those who can get pregnant the first month they left the contraceptive. In other cases, the body may take longer to completely eliminate hormones from the drug, making the body's functions take longer to return to normal.

Learn more about it in: How many days after the contraceptive card comes out does menstruation come?

If you have stopped using the contraceptive but want to seek another contraceptive method, consult your gynecologist, family doctor or general practitioner.