I have multicystic ovaries, can I get pregnant?

Expert answer:

Yes, it is often possible to conceive after appropriate treatment, however a correct diagnosis is necessary to identify if the presence of cysts in the ovaries really corresponds to the diagnosis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) or multicystic, which has infertility as one of its characteristics.

Due to changes in the structure of the ovaries as the girl grows, she becomes adolescent and then, adult, ultrasound examinations performed during this phase, can identify cysts (microcysts and multicysts) in the ovaries, which disappear when the hormone levels (gonadotrophins) relative to adulthood. Sometimes this may lead to misdiagnosis. In addition, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is also characterized by other changes such as menstrual disorders, overweight, enlarged hair and changes in glucose.

The correct diagnosis is very important to define the proper treatment to be performed by the gynecologist or endocrinologist.