Do I have polycystic ovaries?

I have polycystic ovaries can I transmit some virus to my partner?
Expert answer:

No. The presence of ovarian cysts does not present no risk to the woman's partner, once is not an infectious condition.

Ovarian cysts is frequent situation in most women. These cysts arise because follicle that develops inside the ovary not growing enough to turn into ovum, be expelled from the ovary and trigger ovulation. In this way, the follicles accumulate in the ovary in the form of a cyst.

The presence of cysts in the ovaries may be a benign condition which poses no risk to the woman. This will depend on how the cyst appears, whether there is rupture or torsion, and if, as a consequence, there is some worrying symptom such as lower belly pain, severe vaginal bleeding, fever, etc.

When the polycystic ovaries are associated with a set of other signs and symptoms, the woman may manifest Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

Therefore, who has polycystic ovary does not transmit anything to the partner.

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