Alcoholism: How to identify and treat?

Expert answer:

The main symptoms of alcoholism are the compulsive consumption of large quantities of alcoholic beverages and the uncontrollable desire to drink alcohol. In addition, when he / she is not drinking, the alcoholic person shows signs of withdrawal syndrome, such as irritability, tremors, sweating, anxiety and nausea.

What characterizes an alcoholic person is not the type of drink or the amount of alcohol they consume, but their uncontrollable need to drink.

People who suffer from alcoholism usually lose control when they start drinking and can not stop. If they stay for a long time without consuming alcoholic beverages, they exhibit signs and symptoms of withdrawal, which physical dependence of alcohol.

Over time, the alcoholic person becomes increasingly tolerant to the effects of alcohol and needs increasing doses to become intoxicated.

The treatment of alcoholism can include medications to stop drinking, detoxification, group counseling and even psychotherapy.

The medicines usually decrease the urge to drink and the pleasant effects of alcohol. There are also medicines that potentiate the effects of hangover, psychologically inhibiting the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

THE detoxification consists of alcohol withdrawal with medical follow-up, so that withdrawal symptoms are controlled.

One of the best-known group counseling programs is the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). It is a self-help group, with extensive experience in the rehabilitation of cases of alcoholism.

THE psychotherapy aims to address the psychological motives behind alcohol dependence and help the alcoholic with strategies for behavioral changes and the creation of defensive mechanisms in situations of internal and external pressure that lead to drinking.

However, in order to begin treating alcoholism, it is essential that one recognizes one's addiction. Some rehabilitation programs have marital counseling and family therapy, as family involvement can help a lot in recovery.

The treatment of alcoholism is multidisciplinary, and may involve family doctor, general practitioner, psychiatrist, psychological counselor and social services.

Learn more at: What are the harms of alcohol?