What to do to regain intestinal flora?

Expert answer:

The treatment to recover the intestinal flora consists of diet with food that favors the constitution of the intestinal microbiota, as well as products probiotics and prebiotics, which play an important role in the reestablishment of the intestinal flora, promoting the balance of the microorganisms that inhabit the intestine.

The feeding to recover the intestinal flora should be individualized, according to the cause of the problem.

In general, the consumption of large quantities of raw carrots, cauliflower, cabbage, onion, banana flour, brown rice, garlic, fruits, nuts and legumes (beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas ).

Red meat, milk and dairy products, dyes, preservatives, fatty foods, eggs, soy, sausage, white sugar and processed foods should be avoided.

Depending on the cause of the change in intestinal flora and the severity of the problem, seafood and gluten foods should also be left out of the diet.

The products probiotics are those that contain living microorganisms (Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Enterococcus, Streptococcus) that improve the intestinal flora, such as fermented milks and some yogurts

Probiotics inhibit intestinal colonization by bacteria that cause disease. Products with probiotics help lower gas, improve bowel function, and fight diarrhea.

The prebiotics contain food ingredients that are not digested and stimulate the growth of certain intestinal bacteria. These products contain complex carbohydrates resistant to the digestive juices and that therefore arrive intact to the intestine, where they are fermented by certain bacteria.

In this way, prebiotics favorably alter the composition of the intestinal flora, thus improving intestinal transit and preventing diarrhea and constipation.

Changes in the intestinal flora may be caused by a variety of conditions, such as the use of antibiotics, the use of laxatives, infections, stress, inadequate diet, trapped intestines, among others. Symptoms may include changes in bowel rhythm, gas, irritability, and fatigue.

Treatment should be guided by a medical gastroenterologist.