What to do to have a healthy two lives with an HIV carrier?

Expert answer:

To have a healthy two-lives with an HIV-positive person, you need to take the following care to not become infected with HIV:

  • The HIV-infected person should follow antiretroviral treatment correctly and be regularly followed up by the infectious physician;
  • Use condoms with extra lubrication in anal intercourse;
  • Use non-lubricated condoms during oral sex in men;
  • Use lubricated condom in vaginal sex;
  • Do not share sex toys.

If your partner does the antiretroviral treatment exactly as the doctor recommended and the viral charge (amount of virus in the body) is undetectable for at least 6 months, the chance of transmitting the virus already significantly reduces.

Even so, you should use condoms in all sex. Although the risk of transmission is low, it still exists, especially if one of the two has some genital injury due to another sexually transmitted disease, such as gonorrhea, for example.

By taking such care, it is possible to have an almost normal intimate life with an HIV-positive person.

What to do if the condom burst?

  1. Immediately interrupt the relationship;
  2. Wash the penis with soap and water only (the use of chemicals can harm the skin and mucous membrane, increasing the risk of contamination);
  3. Restart sexual intercourse with a new condom;
  4. Get tested for HIV.

Recalling that the risk of HIV transmission is higher in the anal, since the mucosa of the anus is more fragile than that of the vagina and can more easily suffer minor lesions during the act.