Who has diabetes should avoid eating what?

Expert answer:

Those who have diabetes should avoid eating mainly candy, desserts and any kind of food made with sugar, Besides greasy food, such as fried foods, sausages and fatty meats. Among the foods that can be considered "banned" for diabetics are:

- Sugar: Common sugar, brown sugar, crystal sugar, honey, rapadura, molasses, cakes, candies, ice cream, jellies, candied fruit, milk, soft drinks, ready or artificial juices, cane juice, guava, chocolates and all sweets, desserts and foods prepared with sugar.

- Saturated fat: Pork and beef fat, such as bacon, bacon, picanha, termite and rib, sausage (sausage, sausage, salami, mortadella, ham), poultry skin, fried foods, coconut milk, butter, yellow cheeses, whole milk.

People with diabetes should also avoid foods that are refined or prepared with refined wheat flour, such as Rice Loaf and pastas not integral. In these cases, preference should be given to the full version of these foods.

Recalling that the alcoholic beverages are also contraindicated for those who have diabetes.

The sweeteners non-caloric, such as sucralose, saccharin, aspartame and stevia should be consumed in the appropriate amounts, ie 1 sachet or 3 to 5 drops per cup. Caloric sweeteners, such as honey, should be used very sparingly and always following the nutritionist's guidelines.

Foods diet do not need to be avoided, but attention is calorific value and nutritional aspects of them. Even if they do not have sugar, diet foods can have many calories because of the amount of fats or other ingredients.

This happens, for example, with chocolates, ice creams, breads, noodles and biscuits that, diet, are high in calories and should be avoided by people with diabetes.

Already the version diet in jellies and soft drinks have virtually zero calories and so can be consumed.

The foods light are not free from sugar. They have only a lower caloric value when compared to conventional foods.

A diet for people with diabetes aims to keep blood sugar levels within desirable limits. The diet plan should be individualized and carefully prepared by a dietitian, depending on the lifestyle, type of work, eating habits, medication use, and the patient's type of Diabetes.

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